My Checklist Before Baby

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Hi guys!! We are so close until our little girl comes and I want it to be as stress free as I can make it so I thought I’d share with you guys some of the things I’ve been doing to prepare. There’s so many checklists and things you need to get for the baby when they arrive but I have my own little checklist for myself as well. Some of these things are really important and others are just silly things that I need to feel prepared and good about myself:)

1. Breastfeeding Class!!!! A friend told me about this lactation specialist and thank goodness she did! This girl is the best and I was shocked how reasonable her classes are! You can watch her classes online which I love but you can also meet with her one-on-one or in a group setting. Breastfeeding is something that I really want to do and probably the thing that I have the most questions about.. She’s made me feel really confident going into it and feel like I know what to do/expect but also I love that I have someone (a specialist, not a friend or Pinterest) for when the baby comes to help when bumps may come up. I’m so grateful I found her and would recommend every mom that wants to breastfeed to get in contact with her.  (Here is her site)


2. Nursing Bra! I’ve heard at first that nursing bras without underwire are the best so I ordered these ones online. I just like how cheap they were and were what I was looking for. (Here & Here) . I also got some underwire ones from Asos for a little bit later on, ( Here & Here )


3. Hip Trainer! So obviously I haven’t tried this product yet, right now I wish I had a hip stretcher to get me ready for the baby haha but I’ve heard these help for after baby. I’ve read lots of great reviews on this particular brand so I’ve ordered it and just waiting for it to arrive on my door step:)  (Click Here)


4. Nails! I always like to have my nails done and it’s a struggle these days to reach my toes so as we’ve gotten closer I always make sure my nails are freshly painted. (My favorite thing and what I’ve found lasts longer is an acrylic overlay on my natural nail and then just regular polish. You could do gel on top as well to really make them last)


5. Lashes! I’ve been lazy/not lazy with my lashes lately. I’ve been too lazy to call and make an appointment to get my lashes done but then it creates more work for me everyday to do strip lashes. I don’t want to worry about all that when the baby comes so I finally made an appointment with my girl for a week before my due date. PS she wasn’t taking new clients for awhile but now she is so make sure you get in with her if you’re close! She honestly is the best and I’ve gone through lots of people until I found her and she changed my lash world! :) (Here is her info)


6. Tan! I’m not going to all of a sudden be back to my usual size after the baby arrives and I always feel better about myself when I’m tan!! It’s a must for me ha so of course I’ve been lathering it on because even though I’m two weeks away from my due date I still think she’ll come any second:) I just did a video of my favorite self-tanner but incase you missed it, this is the one I love and would recommend! (Click Here)


7. All bags packed! Just making sure that everything is ready to go in advance.. All of our bags are packed and in the nursery. (baby’s bag, dad’s bag, my bag) The car seat is safely in the car (which we had a police officer that was specially certified in carseat installtions help us with that so if you’re interested email me and I’ll give you his contact info haha I didn’t even know that existed but it’s a thing) The nursery is set up and ready. Meals are pre made and frozen in the freezer and there are lots of snacks around the house.


8. Lastly enjoying Trevor everyday. I’ll still enjoy him everyday after our little girl comes but I’m soaking up the last little bit of it just being us two and life as we know it before parenthood begins.

3 Responses to "My Checklist Before Baby"
  1. Rachel says:

    I didn’t have my lashes done with my first, but I am totally doing it with this one (I am 30 weeks). It is little things like this that really help you to feel put together when you don’t have a whole lot of time to get ready and are working on adjusting to a whole new wonderful life. :)

    Simply Rachel Nicole

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Can you post something about what you packed in your hospital bags and what frozen meals you prepared in advance?
    I am expecting the beginning of April. Thanks!!

  3. Erica Lee says:

    You should do a post on what you packed in your/baby’s hospital bag/essentials you bought for your baby!

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