What Matters Most

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There’s been times in my life when I’ve been SO busy. I remember working so much right when I had Aniston that I thought if I’m a billionaire one day I’ve earned every penny! haha. I was trying to be the best mom I could/ figure out how to be a mom. I tried to get all my work done during the night or while Aniston napped. It took me awhile but I learned that I couldn’t do everything that I used to be able to do. And that was OKAY!

I’ve learned a lot the past couple years.

  1. Be easy on myself and live for my babies.  Being a mom was my dream growing up. I didn’t picture myself owning a business or my own clothing line. I pictured myself being a mom. When we started our little shop I was so happy because it would allow me to stay home with my kids when we decided to have them. Our family grew and so did our business. I was so busy while I was pregnant and like I said when I first had Aniston I was still trying to do everything I did before I had a baby. I was exhausted and overwhelmed. I had to refocus. What did I truly want. Did I want to blog? Did I want to have a clothing store? Did I want to be a mom? For me it’s I want to be a mom. That meant that I did that first and if I got other things done with my blog and business great. If I didn’t that was fine because I got my number one done. I like to work hard and do everything myself but I learned to let others help me and let things go. It’s all about a balance and being happy.
  2. Slowing my pace!! This is a hard one!! But I am SO much happier when I strive to live a slower life style. I have funner days with my girls and my husband. I really LOVE this talk (Here) about slowing down and focusing on what matters most. It’s little things like taking time to talk to someone I ran into even if I’m late for a meeting. POEPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR TO DO LISTS. My business partner Kurt is such good example of this and has taught me a lot. I love in this talk where it says, “Let’s be honest; it’s rather easy to be busy. We all can think up a list of tasks that will overwhelm our schedules. Some might even think that their self-worth depends on the length of their to-do list. They flood the open spaces in their time with lists of meetings and minutia” You aren’t less important because you are doing nothing but playing with your kids that day or cooking for your family. I’ve needed to pull weeds for like 3 weeks now.. I told myself I’m doing it Saturday no matter what! We went to the pool with the girls instead. We still need to get things done but I just love the reminder to slow down a little.

My biggest joy in life is my family. My husband and my girls. Real joy comes from them and trying to be Christlike and a good person. Businesses and cars and houses and clothes and money and traveling.. those are fun bring happiness but it can quickly end or tire out. The real happiness comes from spending time with those we love.


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