The Best Two Years

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here it is

Today is our 2 year anniversary and Trev said to me, “are you having a good time?” hahah I’ve been having the BEST time being married to this silly guy. This last year has been so much fun. From the our first date Trev and I were inseparable but this year with working together at home we really are inseparable. I think the only time I’ve actually been without him for more than an hour was when we had to do some Christmas shopping for each other. He is my best friend and I can’t imagine life without him. Everyone says marriage is hard.. DON’T BELIEVE THEM!! It is the greatest thing that has ever happened in my life and everyday our marriage brings me so much happiness. I think it’s only hard if two people make an effort to make it hard. Trev and I have had the funnest of times, the happiest of times and the sweetest of times. Trev is the kind of person I hope to become one day. He is kind, loving, so patient and sweet. He would never even tell me if my breath smelt or I’m having a different hair day.. haha. I’ve only heard sweet words out of his mouth and you’d think after two years living with the guy I’d see him upset or see a flaw but life with him is pure bliss. Sure down the road we’ll go through hard things I’m sure but those hard things will be with kids or family but it won’t be between us. Our marriage is our core and our everything. I really think we have a love that’s a different love. I know there’s more than one person you can be with and love but Trevor was the one I was suppose to be with. When we got married I really didn’t think I could love him anymore but I can’t think about the guy and how much I love him without getting emotional. He is a one of a kind and I just can’t believe I get to spend forever with him.

I get so many email requests about a post about how we met and things so I figured today on our two year anniversary it would be fitting and I can be sappy and lovey dovey :)

Trev and I were set up by a friend.. It was one of those blind date things.. barf right? haha. That friend is now our brother in law which is so fun but anyways. Trev and I didn’t really want to go out with each other. I think out of a course of 6 months I bailed on him 3 maybe 4 dates with him. Finally my sister was getting really mad at me and saying just go out with him so I figured I’d go and get it over with. It was the day of the date and I was laying in bed thinking how can I get out of this one.. I was the worst!! I figured if I went I can get it over with and everyone will stop bugging me about it. I didn’t get ready at all for the date you guys! I was watching Friday Night Lights and had time to either get ready or watch another episode.. :) so I watched another episode. I think 10 minutes until he was suppose to pick me up I finally decided to put an outfit on, still watching FNL.. and I looked horrible!! And was dreading this date so hard. Trev called and was outside.. (really funny story about why he was calling and didn’t ring the doorbell but we’ll have that for another time.)

I went outside and Trev was dressed way nice!! He actually had really good style, he opened the door for me, (which he still does every time) and two minutes into the drive to dinner I was major regretting not getting ready. I was hooked from the first date. We had so much fun and it was hands down the best date I had ever been on. When he dropped me off he asked what I was doing tomorrow night.. I had the best night with him but I was like tomorrow night? Tomorrow?? Two nights in a row was a little too much commitment for me but it was like someone said to me, it’s okay just let it happen. It’s like I knew that this was it, if I hung out with him again we’d start dating and that was it. And that’s exactly what happened. We hung out everyday since our first date and were inseparable. Trev and I had really long relationships before, 2-3 years and I always thought I would date the person I was going to marry for at least a year. I couldn’t stand those stories that people got engaged and married really fast. Well.. this is that story. haha. We went out on a Monday and by Wednesday I knew I needed to marry him.. It’s not like you can talk about it either because you’ve only known each other for 3 days.. haha. It was obvious that we were meant for  each other though. About a month later we were engaged and less than 5 months from our first date it was January 17th and we were getting married!! We probably would have done it sooner but my sister was getting married in December and I couldn’t say, surprise we’re getting married before you! haha. It was all so fast and if our daughter ever did what we did I might have a heart attack. But when you know apparently you know. I could go on and on but that is just our story in a nut shell.

Here are the printables that are hanging in our house. I’m so glad so many of you liked them! We blew ours up huge and printed them at staples. I think it might have cost us $2. Enjoy guys! and happy sunday! :)

4 Responses to "The Best Two Years"
  1. Emily Jones says:

    I love your first date story so cute, was this after his mission or before. I think it’s so funny that you were just sitting watching friday night lights ( which I was addicted to a few months ago ) and not getting ready.

  2. Rachel says:

    Happy Anniversary! I absolutely love your story!!!! My hubby and I both thought that you had to date for quite a while before you knew, but it happened so fast with us as well! We were engaged 3 months after we started dating and we hung out every night too! When you know, you just know. :) You guys are so cute.

    Simply Rachel Nicole

  3. Hannah says:

    Yall’s stroy is adorable. How even after 4 canceled dates he was still determined to date you. Y’all were so cute before and and now knowing yalls story makes y’all just perfect. Couple goals for sure :)

  4. Chandler says:

    I love your Fam Proc & Living Christ Printables.
    What size are your frames?
    I want to do a similar set-up for above our bed with temple in the middle.
    Thanks for the idea!

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