Tips For Flying W/ A Baby

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I get so many emails about this so I’d thought it’d be easier to do a post. We have flown on over 50 flights with Aniston so we’ve mastered the airport. I hope this posts helps to know what to expect if it’s your first time!


What to expect with a stroller and carseat:

You can either check your stroller and car seat down at baggage, free of charge. Or check it at the gate just before boarding. We have done both! If you have a layover or are going to the airport pretty early a stroller is nice to keep with you and check at the gate, and you can check your carseat at baggage! If you check both you’ll want to have a front carrier to hold your baby in. If you are flying alone, I would suggest a front carrier. It’s much easier going through security with a front carrier!

What to expect with security:

You’ll need to have your baby’s name on your boarding pass as a lap child. If they aren’t on there you can’t get through security. To add them to your ticket you’ll need a birth certificate or shots. The thing they are looking for on there is the babies birth date mainly to make sure they aren’t over 2 years old and can be a lap child.

If you have a stroller they make you take your baby out and collapse the stroller. If you are by yourself people are usually really nice when they see you have a baby and will help especially the TSA workers.

They will have you walk through the smaller metal detectors, not the big round one so just go straight to the small one and someone will help you. They will always do a hand swipe right after you walk through so be prepared for that. It doesn’t take long.

Food, formula, pump through security:

Set all your liquids for baby out in a separate tray when you send it through security. Basically you can bring anything through security as long as it’s for your baby. If you need a water bottle for formula you can bring it, milk, food pouches, juice.. they will just have to put it through a special test. They will ask you, “who is this for?” even if it’s breastmilk and super obvious as you are holding your baby, but they have to ask by law so just smile and say the baby. haha.  If your breastmilk is frozen they don’t need to check it. And if anything is under 3.4 ounces you are fine! And you can bring a breast pump!!


Checking stroller and/or carseat at the gate:

Just make sure before you board you go up to the desk and get a tag. If your stroller has two parts, you’ll need two.

When on the plane:

The biggest thing for me was to make sure Aniston’s ears didn’t hurt. The best trick is to feed them when you are going up. The sucking motion helps their ears, we’ve waited to feed Aniston until we are taking off and she’s never had any problems.

We always try to fly when it’s nap time and bed time so Aniston just sleeps. They get to a certain age where the plane is just too fun and there’s lots of distractions. If they aren’t wanting to sleep give up for a little bit! The key is to not upset them and to keep them happy! So if they are wanting to play with the super fun pamphlets let them.

Have new toys that will be fun for them to play with, have a video on your phone, binky, blanket, lot and lots of toys, snacks, drinks. The more the better! You can take them on a walk in the aisle.

Obviously my goal is to never have a crying baby.. And somehow with how often we fly Aniston hasn’t cried for longer than a few minutes. All babies are different though and if you DO have a screaming crying baby on a flight, don’t beat yourself up! Most everyone in the cabin has either been in your shoes or someday they will. If they are rude that’s their own problem and they have to live with being a terrible person.. haha. I have been on flights where their are babies that are really having a hard time and it’s shocked me how rude people can be!! If that happens to you, seriously forget them! They are horrible and you have enough to worry about. Just take care of your baby and don’t stress out.

If you need hot water on the plane, I’ll usually try and get it from a Starbucks before we board! DON’T USE THE WATER ON THE PLANE UNLESS IT’S BOTTLED! I can’t remember what the deal is with it but it’s not great to drink. If you need to nurse, nurse! Don’t feel weird about it. When Aniston was really little I would just start nursing right when we took off.

How old was Aniston when we first took her on a plane?

Aniston was three weeks. As long as you’re ready to fly they will be fine! There’s an old myth that if you fly when a baby is too small it’s bad for their heart and can get heart murmurs. I was so so worried about this and asked my doctor as well as a few others and it’s not true so no need to worry about that. The biggest thing to worry about is that you don’t put them through discomfort with their ears


I hope this helps!! Have so much fun traveling and enjoy those sweet little babies!

6 Responses to "Tips For Flying W/ A Baby"
  1. Cassie says:

    I’ve been soooo scared to fly with my baby but this makes me feel so much better! Thanks for giving step by step info! I know I get super anxious about all the airport stuff with security and the stroller. But I’m also so worried about people getting upset if my baby cries on the plane! This was so great, thank you!

  2. Marie Dvorakova says:

    Hey, I’m a flight attendant and I’d strongly recommend you NOT asking for a hot water on the plane. The tanks don’t get clean very often and the water passes only the minimum requirements. As crew we NEVER drink the hot water or coffee (comes from the same place) on a plane. We know how bad it is.

    • Stevie Henderson says:

      Thank you!!! I had no idea, I’ve heard that about the sink water but I figured that was a given.. haha so good to know though thanks!

    • Courtney says:

      So glad you mentioned that Marie! I’m a flight attendant too and won’t drink it. Okay to warm a bottle but I don’t recommend drinking.

  3. Laura says:

    Thanks for sharing! What are some of your favorite toys for Anniston? Getting ready to fly soon and looking for new toy ideas perfect for the plane!

    • Stevie Henderson says:

      Oh of course! So some things that I feel are a life saver are scotch tape, gold fish, dom dom suckers (the small ones). I’ve found that anything new is great! I usually get Aniston a new little toy of some sort and I don’t show her until we are on the plane, and I save it until she starts getting a little fussy and it’s a great distraction. She likes Dory so last time I got her a little Dory and Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. I just found them at Macey’s grocery store. The scotch tape is great because it’s sticky so they can’t drop it or throw it and they usually need both hands to play with it. A little video is good to have on hand too! I hope this helps! I would just say lots of small little things that they haven’t seen before! Have so much fun on your trip!

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