Weight. Diet. Workout..

Posted · 1 Comment

I’ve gotten so many emails from followers wanting to know my workout routine so I figured I should do a post. I’m really excited about this post and excited to be talking about this topic, it might be a longer post so get ready!

I think it’s safe to say that every girl/woman has at some point in there life been self-conscious about their body or weight, big or small. We are all built sooo differently it’s actually amazing that we can all be so different but we are and I think it’s great! I am a firm believer that you should be confident in your own skin! Whether that means you are 200lbs and happy with it and eat whatever you want or if you are 130lbs and workout and eat a clean diet. Do what makes you happy and feel good and confident about yourself!

The only advice I could give you with losing weight is be active, watch your proportions when it comes to your meals (you don’t need to eat like it’s the end of the world tomorrow) and cut out silly things like sodas and treats. I’m a HUGE treats person but now being pregnant have recently tried to have one day a week where I eat ice cream (Sunday’s) I can’t believe it but since I’ve done that, I can now only eat two scoops and it’s almost to much where before I could eat two bowls.

If you are REALLY wanting to lose a lot of weight my sis is the one you want to talk to:) My sister Megan is the person I looked to for motivation of working hard and getting my body the way I feel good about it. I asked if I could share some before and after pics because I just can’t believe the ways she’s come in such a short period!

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She was itty bitty in high school but with having two babies her body changed. She started at 189 lbs and is now 128 lbs. Her first month she lost 25 lbs!! She does a nutritional cleansing program and if you want more info, I asked her if it would be okay if you contacted her about it and she was more than happy to give you guys her info. She also has great meal plans and workout plans!

Phone Number: 661.332.3037

Email: meganprice@yahoo.com

Instagram: meg.price

She is KILLING it!! haha. With my body type I try to go to the gym to gain muscle, or my legs look flimsy and gross (just my opinion) and then I get really mean comments on instagram.. the last one was something like “$10 a month to take you skinny A** nasty A** legs to the gym, do you even eat?” I wanted to say, no actually my body unlike the rest of society doesn’t require food to survive and ask where he or she gets there gym pass for that cheap! But didn’t.. :) Seeing my sister’s hard work makes me motivated to work hard and go to the gym to get the body that I feel good about. Whether we are trying to put on the weight or lose the weight it’s usually requires some work and sacrifice!

Below are some workout pics and lulu gear and what I did today! (I try and do this work out for my bum cheeks once a week! It helps keep me toned and not just frumpy.)

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Normal Lunges: 15 reps 3 sets

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Regular Squats: 15 reps 3 sets (make sure your knees don’t go over your toes)

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Pistol Squats: 7 reps 3 sets (these are hard for me right now so I only do 7 reps haha)

I also did 50 reps of toe raises 3 sets!


Stretch!! Or you really won’t be able to walk down stairs for the next two days..


And Relax! :)


My new fav leggings!! {lululemon} I can never find these on line but got them in SLC at Trolley Square!

One Response to "Weight. Diet. Workout.."
  1. Kathleen says:

    Thanks for this post! Very inspirational and motivating :) …and your sister is a rockstar!

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